iEndorseU is a Social Recruiting Application (Job Portal) for IT, Healthcare, Engineering, Finance, Executive Management, Sales and several other industries that can benefit from having an open network of 10,000+ referrers. The beauty of the application is that whoever ends up finding the best candidate for your job opening is going to get compensated handsomely by iEndorseU. This incentive, matched with a dedicated account manager for screening resumes, ensures that you spend more time growing your job reqs with your clients while we help fill them.
iEndorseU is a social recruiting application (Job Portal) for IT, Healthcare, Engineering, Finance, Executive Management, Sales and several other industries that can benefit from having an open network of 10,000+ referrers. The beauty of the application is that whoever ends up finding the best candidate for your job opening is going to get compensated handsomely by iEndorseU. This incentive, matched with a dedicated account manager for screening resumes, ensures that you only spend time on the recruiting application when there are serious candidates for your consideration.